Thursday, September 02, 2004


Call Of The Wild. Part Four

Alternate title: What would Marlin Perkins and Jim think of me?

This is normally a Sunday feature, and somehow I missed it. So here it is, better late than never!

You can find part three here.

I find that it’s time once again to examine my own evolution and see how things are going. Last time, I was an Adorable Little Rodent, who was in danger of regressing back down to Flappy Bird. My DNA must be living right, because this time I’m way up. I’ve kangaroo hopped my way through the Marauding Marsupials and am now in with the Large Mammals. Continuing the tradition, I shall now take a look at the Large Mammals just above and below me.

My fierce lion’s roar is directed at (one spot above me): Signaleer. Tagline: Communications is Logistics/Transmission is the Mission

This blog is written by two people, RTO Trainer and Mrs. RTO Trainer (aka Maggie Katzen). Looks like Trainer does most of the posting, with Katzen chipping in from time to time, usually when Trainer’s schedule keeps him away. I believe Trainer was serving in Afghanistan and only got home recently. I’m glad he’s home safe, and grateful for his service. On this blog, you can find posts on politics, media, Afghanistan, and cats. It’s gotta be a good blog if it has cats. So declares Lord Floppington! Pics are frequently posted. Pacing is good. Prescription: Three times a week for two weeks, then as needed.

My mighty lion claws have shredded (one spot below me): The Belgravia Dispatch. Tagline: None.

This is a sad day. The Belgravia Dispatch by Greg Djerejian is a blog on my personal favorites list. I see now that I haven’t added him to my blogroll. I have a little project in mind to fix that. There are several things to like about Mr. Djerejian’s blog. He writes about politics, the media, current affairs and is very thoughtful. Even if you are not interested in these topics, this site still has a very well organized and very useful blogroll. This blog is London based, and everyone ought to be reading at least one blogger from England. One of the best of its kind. Pacing is good. Prescription: Five times a week for one week, then as needed.
I have heard your Fierce Lion's Roar and lo, I have Blogrolled you.

Thanks for the prescription, Doc.
Another nice comment. I'd just like to take a moment to say a couple of things. I have not heard from everyone who has been linked in a Call of the Wild post, but those I have heard from have all been very nice about it. I'm glad that they take it that way. I may talk about lion's claws or rodent fleas. I may talk about crushing the person I just passed and being jealous of the person just above me, but that's just my feeble attempt to make the posts entertaining.

It's just another method of sampling new blogs. People do it different ways. This works for me, and I hope it works for them as well with some admittedly minor publicity from an admittedly minor blog. As long as I'm here, let me ask you something.

Those who have responded sought me out. I haven't been emailing people saying "Hey you're in Call of the Wild this week." I would feel like I was bragging or trying to make myself look good if I did that. My question is, should I be notifying the blogs I write about in Call of the Wild posts? What's the etiquette on that?
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